Does HPV go away on its own? The short answer is unlikely. It is important to seek medical attention. Reading falsely promising information online, which is often copied and pasted from one source to another, could delay your HPV treatment and may lead to detrimental damages. I have created the following algorithm for your review to assist you in navigating your HPV condition category.

Is it likley or unlikley that  HPV to resolve on its own? the most likley you are reading this because you are positive, if you have been diagnosed with HPV and related abnormalities then the succinct response is that it's unlikely, underscoring the importance of seeking prompt medical attention. Relying on misleading information found online, often consisting of inexperienced sources, has the potential to impede your HPV treatment journey, possibly resulting in adverse consequences. To aid you in comprehending and managing your specific HPV condition, I've developed the following page back with decades of exclusive HPV practice to educate you. This tool is designed to guide you through the intricacies of your situation, facilitating a better understanding and informed decision-making regarding your HPV-related health. 

The question of whether HPV goes away on its own can be confusing. Approximately 42% of the population is HPV positive, yet not everyone with HPV requires treatment. Individuals with symptoms, such as genital warts, anal warts, oral or laryngeal HPV lesions, abnormal Pap smears, or cancer, should seek appropriate treatment. HPV testing is often conducted when individuals are already experiencing symptoms. It is essential for those with symptoms and a positive HPV test to receive timely treatment.

Courtesy of Dr. Arani, M.D, Copyright protected, Real patients photos, publishing, and  Reproduction strongly Prohibited 

HPV causing warts : 

Warts need to be removed. It is unlike genital warts or anal warts vanish and resolve on their own. If left untreated, warts usually spread and worsen. HPV infiltrates the basal cell layer, spreading from cell to cell and causing changes and deformities in epithelial cells. Treating 1-4 warts is much easier than removing hundreds. If the body is capable of eliminating HPV and clearing warts on its own, you should observe the shrinking and disappearance of warts after days or weeks but not months and not years. However, if your warts remain the same size or grow larger, and new growths appear, your condition is likely worsening rather than improving.

HPV causing Abnormal pap smear : 

Once HPV causes abnormal cells in the cervix (which are diagnosed during a Pap smear) and if you are not getting treatment then your medical doctor will need to keep a close eye on you, with a much shorter time interval. If treatment is not pursued u have to make sure you are getting better and not worse. Pap smears reveal the progression of cells from normal to cancerous stages. If you have an abnormal Pap smear and neglect timely follow-ups, such as missing the recommended monitoring for every "3 months" and only checking after 1-2 years, the cells may advance through all stages and become cancerous. At that point, it might be too late, and you may require the expertise of an oncologist instead of just a gynecologist.

HPV causing  Dysplasia or Carcinoma in situ:
It is crucial to seek treatment as quickly as possible if HPV leads to Dysplasia or Carcinoma in situ. Time is not on your side, and any delay in treatment or testing has contributed to reaching this stage. If HPV generates highly abnormal cells, such as carcinoma in situ, you are just one step away from full-blown cancer. Immediate attention and intervention are imperative in this critical situation.

HPV causing oral growth : 

HPV in the oral mucosa can become cancerous, especially if located under the tongue. If your doctor advises you to wait, seek a second opinion. I would recommend a biopsy and immediate testing. Never wait in the hope of a possible magical disappearance. HPV is a leading cause of all head and neck cancers.